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Trending products to sell in 2023: the best 14 categories and 40 products

trending products to sell online in 2023


You have finally decided to open an e-commerce but you are still wondering what products are trending now? Or more specifically, what are the trending products in 2023? It may seem like a trivial question, but it isn’t at all. To build a successful e-shop, it is important to choose the right sales and distribution channels and to make an adequate investment in marketing and advertising; but it’s also crucial to identify de bedste produkter at sælge online.

At finde populære produkter at sælge on the internet can be a complicated process, especially if it’s the first time you enter the world of e-commerce and you don’t have a large budget to invest. No panic! 

Først og fremmest, for at sikre, at din butik tilbyder produkter af høj kvalitet til en overkommelig pris, kan du vælge dropshipping-metoden: da det ikke kræver fysisk opbevaring af varerne, kan du tilføje (eller fjerne) produkter til/fra din katalog til enhver tid og tilpasse dit tilbud til markedets efterspørgsel.

En anden grund til at vælge de rigtige trendprodukter til at sælge online er, at ikke alle de produkter, der har succes i klassiske butikker, er egnede til online salg; desuden tilbydes "for almindelige" varer for det meste allerede af store konkurrenter (såsom Amazon), mens "niche" varer risikerer ikke at få den rette opmærksomhed. 

In this article, we are going to explain everything you need to sell online: from a good strategy for choosing the products to be offered on the internet and the mistakes to avoid, up to the 14 categories, and 40 trending products to sell online in 2023.

Strategi for at vælge populære produkter til at sælge online 

Det første spørgsmål, der opstår, når man tænker på at lancere e-handel, er: hvilke produkter trender nu? Først og fremmest skal du have en strategi for at vælge de bedste produkter til at sælge på internettet. Nedenfor giver vi dig nogle forslag. 

Hvis det er første gang du starter en virksomhed, og du overvejer at gøre det direkte fra dit hjem, anbefaler vi dig også at læse denne artikel fra Porch.com: Sådan starter du en lille virksomhed derhjemme.

strategy for choosing trending products to sell online

Hvis du vil sælge ved dropshipping, er det bedste valg at identificere de mest populære produkter på markedet og placere dem i dit katalog. For at forstå hvilke produkter der trender nu, tjek hjemmesider som Kickstarter.com, Wish.com, Google Trends or look for trending products to sell on amazon and take note of the items you think might fit your inventory. 

There are also several companies specialized in research that offer this kind of insight but in many cases, you need to pay to get what you are looking for. In this article, you’ll have the opportunity to see in which direction the market is currently going and get inspired for your new business.

Find en niche til dine produkter 

Carving out a niche in the market means less competition; less competition means that your marketing campaigns will be much cheaper and more effective and that your store will appear higher in search engine results. Identifikation af en specifik markedsniche is a good way to understand trending products to sell online in the period. But remember: thanks to dropshipping, you can always add new products (related or not), diversify your brand and thus reach new customers. 

Undersøg konkurrencens strategi og produkter

Study your competitors, and find out what products they are selling, how they sell them, and who their suppliers are. If they are offering items that you want to sell in your store but that you are not able to acquire at a competitive price, you should consider eliminating those items from your catalog, at least for the moment. There are a lot of trending products to sell you can consider as replacement and be more competitive.

Udforsk shopping hjemmesider og vælg, hvad du vil sælge online 

Social Shopping platforms are e-commerce-enabled sites where the shopping experience is shared with a network of people (through likes, comments, advice, or product sharing). Those who sell on these sites take advantage of the recommendations and influence of users to attract more customers and increase sales. Among the main Social Shopping platforms, we remind you of Pinterest, Wanelo, and Etsy; du kan bruge dem til at identificere hvilke produkter der skal sælges online.

Brug fællesskaberne til at finde nye varer til at sælge online 

Endelig skal du ikke undervurdere verden af fællesskaber og fora dedikeret til e-handel. On Facebook, for example, hundreds of groups can help you gauge the needs and wants of your potential customers. On the web there are many forums of this type, just search for the keywords of your interest and that’s it! Sign up and explore these communities to find new ideas on trending products to sell online. 

Fejl at undgå, når du vælger populære produkter at sælge

Fejl at undgå, når du vælger populære produkter at sælge

Ligesom enhver anden virksomhed har også elektronisk handel risici, og en af de største henviser til valget af det bedste produkt eller den bedste service at sælge online. Vi gør derfor opmærksom på 3 fejl, du skal undgå, når du beslutter dig for, hvilke trendprodukter, der skal sælges online

1. Foreslå et produkt uden at have undersøgt markedet før. For at sælge online er det ikke nok at oprette en e-handelsside, uploade et udvalg af produkter og vente på, at de bliver solgt. Den første ting du skal gøre er, at undersøge markedet, lave en forebyggende analyse og designe en salgsstrategi. Kun på denne måde kan du identificere de rigtige trendprodukter til at sælge i din e-handel og få succes.

2. Konkurrerer med de store giganter uden at have adequate means. Offering on your e-commerce products that are easily available in other online stores is not a winning choice. We recommend that you avoid over-saturated market segments and that you initially focus on a narrow niche, and then expand the offer (if you want to) later. 

3. Ikke at være tålmodig og forvente gode resultater med det samme. As much as you may have chosen the perfect trending product to sell online, we need to warn you about something: do not expect an immediate sales boom. Shape your corporate identity and spread it on the internet, make your product known, and retain your customers: if you identify the right product to sell and propose it at best, results will come over time!

14 categories of trending products to sell in 2023 for your e-commerce 

As we’ve just seen, the first step to finding trending products to sell online in 2023, is understanding what customers look for. For this reason, it is very important to carry out a preventive market analysis, for example through Google Trends, et gratis værktøj leveret af Google, der viser de mest populære søgninger foretaget af brugere. Ved at kende de mest eftertragtede produkter kan du vælge hvilke produkter du vil sælge i din netbutik med udgangspunkt i potentielle kunders behov. 

To give you the initial boost, we have made a list of 14 categories of trending products to sell online in 2023, according to the results of the research made by users on the web. They are trendy products to be sold on the internet, which will allow you to have a good income with a low initial investment. 

1. Male grooming products are trending in Global Market

man's grooming products are trending products to sell online in 2023

Male grooming products have been trending for the whole 2022. It’s actually a trend that started in 2021, reaching a value of US$ 74.5 Billion. Based on IMARC Group research, market value will grow with a CAGR of 6.46% during 2023-2027, reaching US$ 108.7 Billion. Yes, they are trending products to sell in 2023.

Grooming products are trending products to sell because they help men to maintain their overall hygiene and appearance and in recent years we saw a shift in the importance attributed by men to what they wear and their personal beauty. Earlier, male grooming products were limited to shaving creams, deodorants, aftershave colognes, and shampoos. Now, basic blades, body groomers, and electric shavers are trending products that are seeing a great expansion in the market.

Beard Grooming are trending products to sell

Beard grooming products deserve a dedicated paragraph since they are the category that is growing the most in the last year. As a manner of fact, the market size is over US$ 25.2 Billion in 2022 and estimations see an early growth of 7.4% in 2023.

When we talk about beard grooming products, we refer to various facial hair growth and maintenance products, used for brushing, controlling, and promoting the healthy growth of beard and filling patches of thin facial hair such as beard oil, balm, shampoo, softener, gel, and serum. They are trending products to sell in 2023.

2. Beauty and Personal Care: Trending Products to sell in 2023

Beauty and personal care trending products such as hair care products, skin care products, hair wings ets.

The global beauty and personal care products market size was approximately $47.8 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $90.4 billion by 2027, growing at a 10.8% compounded annual growth rate (CAGR), making them trending products to sell in 2023.

Beauty and personal care products assist in enhancing physical appearance, maintaining health and hygiene, and boosting individuals’ overall self-esteem. Some commonly used beauty and personal care products are moisturizers, soaps, cleansers, toothpaste, hair dyes, perfumes, facial tissues, and lipsticks. At present, quick and efficient shipping and return policies, are boosting the sales of these products through online distribution channels, which offer a wide selection of brands.

Hair care products

The global hair care market size reached US$ 78.2 Billion in 2021. IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 102.9 Billion by 2027, showing a CAGR of 4.61% during 2022-2027, this is why they are trending products to sell in 2023.

Hair care includes using different products to cleanse, maintain and improve the texture and appearance of your hair. This could consist of oils, gels, shampoos, conditioners, etc. Haircare product manufacturers are slowly transitioning to free silicon/sulfate ingredients to keep up with constantly shifting hair trends.

Lip care trending products

Lip care products are trending products to sell online

The lip care products market size in 2022 reached US$ 2.3 Billion in 2021 and it is expected to grow with a CAGR of 4.6% arriving at 2.9 Billion US$ by the end of 2027, for this reason they are trending products to sell in 2023.

Lip care products consist of cosmetics that provide nourishment to the lips and protect them against external elements, such as cold temperatures, dry wind, and UV radiation. There’s a great variety of lip care products out there, and manufacturers are ranging from flavored balms to products containing organic ingredients to attract a wider consumer base.

Female consumers have always driven the market of lip care products, but there has been a recent shift in demand. Men are more frequently buying items like lipstick because they have begun to take personal grooming more seriously.

Hvis du leder efter et succesrigt trendprodukt at sælge i skønhedsindustrien, skal du vide, at der søges mere og mere på hårstylingværktøjer og tilbehør. Oberlo, Google, and AliExpress


Hair wigs are still one of the most trending products to sell online. Demand for hair wigs has been substantially increasing over the past few years, and nothing is going to change in the future. According to the “Hair Wigs and Extensions Market – Global Outlook and Forecast 2021-2026” the growth of these trending products to sell will continue with a CAGR of 13% mellem 2021 og 2026. Nordamerika vil have størstedelen af ​​markedet for hårparykker. Så du kan fokusere på at markedsføre dit brand og dine produkter til denne region.


The Tørklædet is another trending product to sell online that doesn’t slow down its growth also in 2023. It is a timeless fashion accessory that has been gaining a competitive position in the online market. According to Google Trendshar søgninger efter "tørklæde" har været støt stigende; desuden kan denne vare komme til at være et impulskøb. Så ved at følge de nuværende trends inden for hårmode kan du skabe en hel kollektion af forskellige frisurer sammen med dine tørklæder. 

Hvad angår skønhedssektoren, er den altid på mode, med masser af mærker og kendte mennesker, der lancerer nye trends og produkter på markedet. Lige nu inkluderer de mest populære skønhedsprodukter:

Kunstige øjenvipper

Markedet for kunstige øjenvipper was valued at US$ 1,377.28 million in 2021 and is projected to reach US$ 2,046.61 million by 2028; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% from 2021 to 2028. They have been popular for years and now they are among the most trending products to sell in 2023 the makeup market. It becomes a must-have item in most makeup looks because of its practical value as well as its simple application.

fake eyelashes are trending products in 2023

Kunstige negle

Also known as false nails, fake nails, fashion nails, or acrylic nails, they are powerful trending beauty products. Google Trends has registered substantial growth in the searches for these nail extensions proving that it’s a trend item that is increasing its popularity.

3. Oral care products: for Adults and Babies

baby oral care products are trending products to sell

Oral care products for babies are trending products in 2023 that will grow with a CAGR of 2.5% from 2023 to 2027, reaching a 2.5 Billion dollars market value. This category includes all products related to teeth hygiene for babies, to remove germs and consists of silicon hand brushes (and also electronic ones) with soft and gentle bristles, tooth massagers, and toothpaste with mild, natural, and herbal ingredients that are sweet and good for them to be used. Keeping teeth bacteria-free is mandatory for every individual, especially for babies that can have oral disorders.

Bamboo Toothbrush

Toothbrushes made with bamboo are an eco-sustainable alternative to all those products realized in plastic and they are trending products to sell in 2023, showing a yearly growth of around 8%. Considering that the electronic toothbrush market counts a growth of under 4%, is it very clear where the demand is going in the last few years. This is because people are more educated about the sustainability of our planet and choose a way that can fit with their ideals keeping in any case the teeth white and clean.

4. Meal replacement products as trending products in 2023

meal replacement goods are trending products to sell in 2023

Meal replacement products are usually pre-packaged and calorie-controlled, and can help you replace a good meal with a healthy, nutritious alternative. These are trending products to sell.

Ready-to-eat foods, shakes, bars, and powders are the common types of meal replacement products available on the market. Healthy fats, proteins, fibers, vitamins, and minerals are some of the many nutrients that almond butter can provide. This helps encourage a healthy diet which in turn should suppress any cravings you may have. These products are also available in a wide variety of flavors, such as vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, blueberry, and orange.

For sure you already heard about this kind of meal in the last 4 years, maybe you also tried them. This is because they are spreading all around the world. These are trending products to sell online in 2023, as it is expected an early growth of 7.5% and the market value will increase from US$ 12.2 Billion to US$ 19.0 Billion by 2027.

5. Digestive Health Products

digestive products are trending in 2023

8.1% is the annual growth expected for digestive health products which are for sure trending products to sell in 2023.

Digestive health products refer to an assortment of edible items that are used to maintain a healthy level of acid in the stomach and increase the absorption and digestion of nutrients. This includes any fortified, functional, or nutritional supplement such as probiotics, prebiotics, carotenoids, and enzymes, such as dairy and baked goods(biscuits) and non-alcoholic beverages obtained from plants.

6. Childcare trending products

childcare products such as car seats are trending products to sell in 2023

Childcare products consist of all the things you need to take care of your children below 12 years old, such as car seats, cribs and cots, strollers and prams, infant carriers, toddler beds, high chairs, and play yards. These are trending products to sell in 2023 with an estimated annual growth of 7.4%.

These products offer protection, safety, and comfort both for parents and children, and in some cases they are also boosted by the changing of the law that become more strict for the safety of children (as for car seats). As a manner of fact, car seats take 30% of the market share.

7. Car care products

car care trending products

When the storm rages, cars take always the worst part, and not only, even when the sunshine it’s not good for them. And if you add sand, tree sap, and bird dropping, your car seems like an unprotected child to take care of. This is why car care products are trending products to sell in 2023, especially considering that the weather is becoming worst year after year, with colder winters and hotter summers.

Coming back to talk about business, car care products registered in 2022 a growth rate of 3.6%, and the expectations show it constant in next year so it can be a good investment.

What should you sell in 2023 as a car care product? Pads, cleaners, sprays, waxes, anti-aging moisturizing milk, and dust repellents.

Talking about market share, cleaning products, and car wax have 20% each and can be trending products to sell in 2023.

8. Home decor items

Indretningsgenstande bekræftede deres trend i løbet af 2020 med en markedsværdi på $641.4 Billioner og selvom disse produkter er blevet populære i pandemiperioden, er denne vækst ikke bestemt til at bremse. Prognosen er en konstant vækst på 4,8% mellem 2021 og 2026. We know that during covid-19 working from home boosted the will to create a comfortable atmosphere and so the demand for home decor but it’s not the only reason right now. Real estate is recovering fast and there are plenty of new householders every month looking for this kind of thing.

I denne produktkategori fremhæver vi 4 produkter:


Tæpper have become one of the best-selling and trending products to sell, according to their utility, length, material, and end-use, are items that help people keep dirt and grime out of their houses and also a piece of art or additional comfort in their home. The carpet market is expected to grow at 4% between 2023 and 2026.

home carpets are trending products to sell in 2023


Tæpper, sengetøj, madrasser, puder, puder, lagner og dyner er involveret i denne trendkategori. De forbedrer søvnen og giver komfort, men er også en del af indretningen med æstetiske formål. 6% af vækst is what is expected between 2023 and 2026.

home beddings as trending products to sell in 2023


Another trending product to sell in 2023 are husholdningsbeholdere. Ligesom det gælder for andre trendprodukter i boligafdelingen, er deres efterspørgsel sandsynligvis stigende på grund af den seneste arbejde-hjemmefra-trend. Opbevaringsbeholdere hjælper folk med at organisere og opbevare tøj, mad, forsyninger og andre husholdningsartikler; de kan også bruges som boligindretning, afhængigt af stilen og det rum, du opbevarer ting i.


Baseret på IMARC group research, vil viskestykker nå en markedsværdi på 20,9 milliarder USD i 2026 with moderate growth during the next years. With new technology introduced by manufacturers, there’s plenty of choice in materials and performances for these kinds of items used mostly to dry and clean home surfaces, especially in the kitchen. They are trending products to sell and you should consider adding them to your catalog if you didn’t yet.

9. Eco-sustainable & biodegradable trending products to sell

This fairly new trend is supposed to last for the next 30 years, based on the path many governments are taking. If you look at all countries in the European Union, for example, they are moving into the økologisk omstilling which is a process that will finish år 2055. Selv om de fleste af de planlagte aktiviteter vedrører reduktion af emissioner og afhængighed af fossile energikilder, er emnet miljømæssig bæredygtighed og bionedbrydelighed has never assumed such an important character as it now. Moreover, consumers are aware of the consequences of climate change, and many are looking at their own how to reduce their carbon footprint.

Tekniske produkter og tilbehør bygget med miljøvenlige materialer er af denne grund noget at vurdere, når det kommer til at lancere en ny forretning, da det kan være det rigtige tidspunkt at skabe et solidt brand i de kommende år

In this category, we highlight these trending products for 2023:

Miljøvenlige og komposterbare Cork Laptop-sleeves og telefoncovers

laptop cork sleeve

compostable phone cases

Soft, resistant, and biodegradable, laptop sleeve made of cork is a fairly new product with high potential considering that the laptop market goes into an estimated CAGR vækst på 31 % mellem 2022 og 2028. Den samme interesse er stigende også for komposterbare telefoncovers. (Billederne er taget fra Boshiho og Recase)

Kork komposterbare yogamåtter

Yoga er blevet mere og mere populært i løbet af de sidste par år, og statistikker over hele verden listede det blandt de 10 mest populære fitnessaktiviteter i verden. Markedsværdien er omkring $11,6 Billioner i år 2021 men med en vækst på CAGR of 5,3% vil nå $15,2 Billioner inden år 2026. It’s a trending product to sell online in 2023 and combining it with the eco-sustainability trend, can be the perfect choice for a new brand, considering also that yoga enthusiasts prefer spending on healthy, comfortable, and environment-friendly products and services.

yoga mat are trending products to sell in 2023
Blossom cork yogamåtte fra Scoria

10. Populære sundhedsprodukter 

green powder is one of the trending products in 2023

As you can imagine, due to the pandemic, the interest of people in self-care and health products has been increasing during 2021 and this growth will continue also in 2023. Here are some examples of healthcare trending products to sell you should consider for 2023. 

Grønt pulver

det er et supplement udvundet af grøntsager, tang og probiotika, der booster immunsystemet og hjælper med at reducere risikoen for kroniske sygdomme; det indeholder også tonsvis af vitaminer, mineraler og antioxidanter. Den konsekvente verdensomspændende trend for dette produkt beviser, at det er et stabilt trendprodukt at sælge online, især i denne historiske periode, hvor folk er meget bekymrede for deres helbred.

Detox te og juice

flere forskellige typer te og juice har vist sig at have detox-fordele. I dag er det overordnede juice detox-marked $3,4 milliarder: vi er sikre på, at du kan finde en god niche i det! 

Keto barer eller pulver

Keto diæten er faktisk ikke noget nyt, men der er ingen tvivl om, at det repræsenterer en vigtig trend i dag. Keto-entusiaster er strenge med hensyn til deres kost og deres træningsrutiner, og de er nødt til at tage mad af høj kvalitet efter træning: salg af ketobarer eller pulver kan være et vindende valg. 

11. Hi-tech produkter til salg og tilbehør

smartwatch and wearables are trending products in 2023

Teknologi er en stedsegrøn kategori, der inkluderer masser af trending produkter til at sælge online, der svarer til behovene hos forskellige målgrupper. Her er nogle forslag til succesrige varer at sælge i henhold til de nuværende markedstendenser:


Brug af smartphones under kørslen er udbredt, men ikke sikkert; det er grunden til, at tilbehørsproducenter begyndte at producere holdere til biltelefoner, i dag et af de mest populære produkter at sælge online, hvis popularitet stiger mere og mere.

Trådløs oplader eller trådløs ladestation

På grund af dets anvendelighed og fleksibilitet har denne højteknologiske genstand eksisteret i flere år og er fortsat et af de bedste trendprodukter med et imponerende potentiale på onlinemarkedet.

Kraftig port USB-port udvidelse periferiudstyr

Det øgede antal mennesker, der arbejder hjemmefra, skabte en større efterspørgsel efter elektroniske perifere enheder, der hjælper dem med at organisere deres arbejdsstationer bedre. USB-dockingstationer med den nyeste USB Type C er det perfekte match til dem, der har brug for en måde at holde alle deres væsentlige teknologiløsninger tilsluttet.


Uden tvivl er disse stærke trendprodukter at sælge i din e-handel. Sammen med den store mængde mobiltelefoner, der sælges årligt, producerer producenter en bred vifte af telefoncovers af forskellig art, størrelse eller anvendelighed, efterspurgt både af æstetiske eller beskyttelsesformål.

Bærbare enheder

Wearable devices, like fitness trackers or smartwatches, represent a big trend of the last few years; they are user-friendly and with multiple integrated functions that make them a trending product to sell in 2023.

12. Kæledyrsprodukter

pet products as food or accessories as trending products in 2023

Markedet for kæledyrsudstyr er et af de mest stabile: At etablere dig inden for dette segment kan garantere dig varig succes. Onlinebutikker, der sælger produkter til firbenede venner (hunde- og kattekenneler, pelsplejetilbehør, dåsemad, spil osv.) nyder en vis succes. Eksempler på populære produkter, som du kan tilbyde i denne niche, er:


Populariteten af forskellige typer dyrefoder er sneboldløb. Når et kæledyr er en kilde til fred for nogen og hjælper hende/ham med at overvinde angst, er der ingen grænse for, hvor mange penge man bruger på deres kæledyr. Denne tendens afspejles i efterspørgslen efter foder til kæledyr, som er stabilt stigende.

Baderedskaber til kæledyr

et andet godt valg af vare at sælge online, da nødvendigheden af at vaske et kæledyr er ubestridelig. Et trendprodukt på dette marked er Aquapaw, et genialt kæledyrsbadeværktøj, forsynet med et værktøjssæt, der gør det mere effektivt og anvendeligt til større hunde


Markedet for denne vare er imponerende potentielt, og interessen for dem vokser konstant gennem årene. Brugere leder efter bærere, der er lette, robuste og komfortable for både dem og deres kæledyr, men de kan også lide at have et bredt udvalg af stilarter, farver og materialer. Når du spørger dig selv, hvilke produkter der er trending nu, bør du overveje denne niche.

13. Mode- og smykkeprodukter

minimalist jewelry like simple necklace

Fashion always has a great appeal to women and men who care about their appearance, and it’s also a sales segment suitable for e-commerce. For this reason, you can find hundreds of trending products to sell online in the fashion and jewelry market; nonetheless, we give you some tips about the most recent trends.

BH Top

Det vil officielt erstatte crop tops, og det forventes at tage over til sommer. Du kan nemt tjene penge på at sælge denne bikinidressing online og blive stylist for dine kunder ved at foreslå dem, hvordan man style en bh-top. For eksempel kan du foreslå, at de parrer en top-bh med andre varer, du sælger, såsom bukser, frakker eller højtaljede varer.


Det er ikke et modeemne, men mange mennesker bruger det til at få en bedre kropsform, når de klæder sig ud. Forskellige former for shapewear opfylder alles krav fra en målrettet formgivning til en udglattende kropsformer. Derfor har du forskellige valgmuligheder til din netbutik, mens du sørger for, at dine målkunder nemt kan defineres. 

Brugte smykker

It is very popular in terms of sustainability and more and more young customers are being attracted to this pre-owned fine jewelry. Even pre-owned luxury items are rising in popularity and sales, being a trending product in 2023. 

Minimalistiske smykker

Also, this niche has experienced a sales boom in recent years; Google Trends data globally shows frequent and numerous searches by consumers for this type of item, although the online offer is almost non-existent. So, if you’re still wondering what products are trending now, the answer could be just this: minimalist jewelry. 

14. Sportsprodukter

sports trending products such as clothing, sport bottles and mesh shoes

Another way to self-care that has spread during the pandemic is sports: at home, at the gym, or outdoors. It’s not surprising, then, those sports items are trending products in 2023. What can you sell online in this category? You can potentially cover any need, from clothing to accessories up to sports equipment (weights, exercise bikes, rackets, balls, etc.). Otherwise, you can choose to specialize in a specific sport and offer articles related to that discipline.

Lad os se nogle praktiske eksempler på populære produkter til salg online i sportskategorien.


Athleisure is designed sportswear. Wearing sportswear even outside the training area is fashionable at the moment, especially among teenagers and young people between the ages of 20 and 30. Why sell Athleisure online? Because the user expects to find slightly lower prices than in traditional stores. Some examples of items to sell online in the athleisure category are sweatshirts, pants, caps, leggings, socks, shoes, and so on.


They are one of the most searched products; the substantial order volume has confirmed the popularity of this product, and the demand for it is increasing considerably. Its low initial prices are one of the reasons why you should consider investing in sports bottles for your online business.

Mesh sko

These shoes are primarily thought for the workout, but now they’ve become a popular item for athleisure wear. The worldwide order of mesh shoes for both women and men has substantially increased so far: you can make sure it will be a trending product in 2023!


We all know that trending products don’t change radically from one year to another;  if you have researched what to sell online in 2022, you have probably already encountered some of the mentioned products. And that’s positive: now you have the confirmation that those items are a winning choice because they are trending products to sell online in 2023 too. In fact, if a trend remains constant over time or even grows, it means that there is market demand for that product and that your e-commerce can find a space in the offer.

We, therefore, encourage you to open your personal e-commerce store and we remind you that an online store – unlike a traditional one – can offer a greater variety of products and it can expand or modify its catalog according to customer requests. E-commerce is the perfect solution for those who want to dedicate themselves to sales and do not have the capital to start a physical business.

So, to the question “hvad skal du bruge for at sælge online?” we could more simply answer: an efficient e-commerce as Vetrinalive – available now also with a free plan forever -, beautiful pictures for your products for sale, a good supplier, and original ideas on trending products to sell online in 2023.

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Giuseppe er en internet- og teknologientusiast med ti års erfaring med digital markedsføring. Han ankommer til Vetrina Live som marketingchef efter at have arbejdet i Milano for en multinational medievirksomhed og en e-handel med tøj.

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