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eCommerce Store: 9 easy Steps to turn your visitors into customers

ecommerce store


You’ve done it! You’ve built an eCommerce store and now it’s time to start making some sales. But how do you turn visitors into customers? In this article, we’ll show you 9 steps that you can take to increase conversions to your store.

Adding your logo to your eCommerce store is a great way to create a professional look and feel. It will also help visitors to remember your brand. Your logo should be placed in a prominent position on your websites, such as the header or footer.
Also, make sure that your website is easy to navigate. Visitors should be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Use clear and descriptive titles for your pages and products.
Your logo stands for your brand. Once you have a clear brand image in customers’ minds, your eCommerce store conversion rate will increase automatically.

2. Add Reviews

Adding reviews to your eCommerce store can be a great way to turn visitors into customers. Reviews provide social proof that your products are high quality and that other people have had positive experiences with your store.
By displaying reviews prominently on your product pages, and making it easy for customers to leave reviews, you can encourage more people to write reviews. You can also offer incentives for leaving reviews, such as discounts or free shipping.
Including customer testimonials on your website can also be helpful in turning visitors into customers. Testimonials provide first-hand accounts of the positive experiences other people have had with your store. They can be especially useful in convincing skeptical shoppers to make a purchase.

ecommerce store

3. Custom domain

One of the first steps to turning visitors into customers is to create a custom domain for your eCommerce store. This will help to create a unique identity for your store and make it easier for visitors to find you.
Next, you need to create a strong branding strategy for your store. You should use strong keywords and phrases that are related to your product or service. You can also use catchy slogans and designs to attract attention.
Finally, make sure you have effective online marketing strategies in place. This includes creating landing pages, promoting your store on social media, and running ads through Google AdWords or other ad networks. When done properly, all of these steps will help you attract more customers to your store

4. Add High-quality images

Adding high-quality images is one of the most important steps that you can take to turn visitors into customers in your eCommerce store.
Images are one of the first things that people see when they visit your store. If the images are quality, you can guarantee that they’ll remember your store and possibly buy something from you.
To get great images for your eCommerce store, you need to consider a few factors. First, make sure that the images are in high resolution. This will ensure that they’re clear and easy to view. Second, make sure that the images are sized appropriately. You want them to be big enough to see, but not so big that they take up too much space on the page.
Finally, make sure that the images are relevant to your product or service. You don’t want generic photos of flowers or cars; you want photos of flowers or cars that relate to what you’re selling. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your eCommerce store has high-quality images that potential customers will love.

5. Social media account links to Increase eCommerce Store Conversion

One of the most important steps you can take to turn visitors into customers is to provide links to your social media accounts. This will help you build relationships with your customers and keep them updated on your latest products and promotions.
You can also install a “customers’ corner” on your website where customers can find information about your products, coupons, and customer service. By providing this information in an easily accessible place, you’ll make it easier for customers to leave feedback and make suggestions for improvement.
Finally, it’s important to create a positive online reputation. By doing things like responding quickly to customer complaints, you’ll build trust and ensure that your customers continue coming back. In the long run, this will increase your eCommerce store conversion rate, leading to more sales and higher profits.

increase sales on your eCommerce leveraging social networks

6. Branded color scheme

Another step to turning visitors into customers is to have a branded color scheme. This will help to create a positive brand image for your store and make it easy for customers to find what they are looking for.
It is also important to use bright colors in your design so that customers can see your products easily. You should also include photos of your products in the design so that customers can see how they look in real life.

7. Contact, FAQ, and Legal pages

Add a “Contact” page for your visitors to let them know about your eCommerce store. Include contact information on your legal pages, if applicable.
Provide helpful FAQ pages that answer common questions about your products and services. Answer questions thoroughly and clearly.
Making it easy for visitors to find information about your return policy, shipping costs, and delivery times helps to convert them into customers. People want to know that they can return an item if it’s not what they wanted and that they won’t have to pay exorbitant shipping costs. Providing this information up front will help to build trust and confidence in your store.

ecommerce conversion rate

8. Product video/GIF

One of the easiest ways to turn visitors into customers is by creating product videos or GIFs. These videos or GIFs can be used to show off the features of the product and why it is worth buying. They can also be used to encourage potential buyers to make a purchase.
If you have a product with multiple features, it can be helpful to create separate product videos for each feature. This will help potential buyers understand the benefits of each feature and decide which one is best for them.
You can read more about product photography in this blog post.
Product videos are an easy way to turn visitors into customers, and they can be used in any eCommerce store. They are especially helpful for products with multiple features. By creating separate product videos for each feature, potential buyers can better understand the benefits of each option.

9. Abandoned cart emails

One of the most effective ways to turn visitors into customers is to email them when their cart is abandoned. This will remind them that you are interested in retaining their business and encourage them to come back and purchase something.
You can also use abandoned cart emails to offer customers discounts or other incentives for returning to your store. This will ensure that they feel valued and that they want to return to your store again in the future.

Final words about eCommerce Store Conversion Rates

Increasing your eCommerce store conversion rate looks like a game. Remember that the eCommerce store conversion rate is a long-term investment. You cannot increase the conversion rate in 1 day.
Check your numbers daily and try to increase them one by one. Apply different tactics and see which works.
In this way, you will have a better eCommerce store. Your customers will be happy to see new changes.
At the end of the day, all of your efforts will increase eCommerce store conversion rates. And you will make more money.

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Giuseppe is an internet and technology enthusiast with a decade of experience in digital marketing. He arrives in the Vetrina Live as marketing manager after having worked in Milan for a multinational media company and a clothing e-commerce.

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