Sales count down timer
Other than Discount Code, how about a sales count down timer?
Sell digital products
Support also to sell digital products, like software/licenses/etc. When purchased the buyer gets forwarded to a download page/location in the VL shop where it shows the software, license key, login details, etc which then can be downloaded/copied?
Open your blog
We are developing a native blog solution to add to your store. In this way you will be able to publish blog posts already optimized for search engines and create a full communication plan for your potential customers.
Product SEO management
Add metadata options in product card, in order to improve products SEO
We are working to introduce Sub-categories of 1st and 2nd level as for example: >Clothing–> Man—> T-Shirt—> Jackets–>Woman—> Leggings
Produkt beskrivelse
Tillat oss å tilpasse produktsiden, produktgalleriet øverst til venstre, korte detaljer øverst til høyre med kjøpsknappen og på den nederste siden produktbeskrivelsen for å inkludere bilder eller videoer for å vise frem produktet for bedre konvertering.