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Best 19 eCommerce Metrics to easily track performances

eCommerce metrics


Your eCommerce store faces a variety of challenges, such as increasing traffic and conversion rates, acquiring new customers, and maintaining customer loyalty. To overcome these challenges, as an online shop owner, you need to know how eCommerce metrics are changing over time. This article will provide you with 19 metrics to track for your eCommerce.

Most of the entrepreneurs pass eCommerce metrics. Some of the entrepreneurs do even worse: they do not check these metrics! They hire someone to do this or ask their children to control their eCommerce performances.

Yes, it is hard to bring all metrics together and that’s why you do not track them. Don’t worry anymore! This article explains the eCommerce metrics. Also, you will find a free tool to track all these metrics for your eCommerce store!

What are eCommerce metrics and why are they important for your eCommerce Store?

Metrics are important for any business, but they are especially important for eCommerce stores. Ecommerce metrics help you to track and measure your progress and success. They can also help you to improve your marketing efforts and make better decisions about your investments.

Without tracking these metrics, you can not make good decisions. When you start to track your metrics, you can easily understand the problems.

Then, you can focus on these problems, make changes, and watch the improvement.

It is important to track your eCommerce metrics regularly. This will help you to understand how your business is performing and where you need to make changes.

1. The number of Website visitors

Website visitors are the lifeblood of any online store. Knowing how many people are coming to your website is key to understanding your eCommerce store’s performance.

There are a number of ways to track website visitors. One popular way is to use Google Analytics. This free tool allows you to track the behavior of your websiteā€™s visitors, including where they come from, what pages they visit, and how long they spend on your site.

Another way to track website visitors is to use a web tracking tool such as Spyfu. This software allows you to track the behavior of your websiteā€™s visitors across multiple devices (PCs, smartphones, tablets, and more).

Knowing how many website visitors you have is important for a number of reasons. It can help you understand which sections of your website are popular, which marketing campaigns are working, and which products are selling well.

eCommerce store

2. The number of registered emails on your eCommerce store

One of the most important metrics to track for your eCommerce store is the number of registered emails on your store. This can tell you a lot about how successful your store is and how engaged your customers are.

There are a few ways to measure the number of registered emails in your store. One way is to use a tool like MailChimp or AWeber. These tools will automatically send out email campaigns based on the number of registered emails in your store.

You can also manually enter the number of registered emails into a tool like Google Analytics or MixPanel. These tools will also track other important metrics, like pageviews and engagement rates, based on the number of registered emails on your store.

Whichever method you choose, be sure to track the number of registered emails on your store so that you can see how it affects your business growth.

Get the exclusive sheet template to track all the statistics

Filling the form you’ll receive the link to the file by email, so check also your SPAM folder.

3. The ratio of email registration/website visitors

Email marketing is a great way to communicate with your customers and keep them updated on your eCommerce store. However, you need to make sure that you are using the right metrics to track your success.

The most important metric to track is the ratio of email registration/website visitors. This will help you to determine whether you collect enough email addresses from your customers or not.

Give more chances to your visitors to leave their email addresses.

4. The number of buyers of your eCommerce Store

One of the key metrics that you should track for your eCommerce business is the number of buyers of your products. This will help you to understand which products are selling well and which products need to be improved or discontinued.

There are a few different ways to track the number of buyers for your eCommerce store. You can use Google Analytics or VetrinaLive’s Order Processing tool to track the number of orders that are placed in your store.

This information will help you to determine which products are performing well and which products need more attention from you and your team.

eCommerce metrics

5. The ratio of the number of buyers/website visitors

The most common eCommerce metrics that you should track include the number of buyers and website visitors. You can use these figures to determine how successful your eCommerce business is.

This will help you to understand the quality of your visitors and your eCommerce store’s performance.

6. The number of orders of your eCommerce Store

The number of orders your eCommerce store receives is an important eCommerce metric to track. This number can help you to determine how well your eCommerce business is performing and whether there are any areas that need improvement.

There are many different ways to track the number of orders that your eCommerce store receives. You can use a variety of tracking tools, including order management software, order tracking software, or customer tracking software.

It is important to track the number of orders in order to determine which strategies are working best for your business. You can use this information to improve your marketing efforts, make changes to your product lineup, or adjust your pricing structure.

The number of orders is an important metric for any eCommerce business, regardless of the size of the operation. By tracking this information, you can ensure that your business is thriving and that you are making the most effective use of resources.

7. The average order value of your eCommerce Store

The average order value of your eCommerce store is an important eCommerce metric to track and measure. This number tells you how much money your customers are spending on your products.

There are a few different ways to calculate the average order value. Some businesses use the total revenue from all their sales as the average order value. Other businesses use the median order value, which is the middle value of all their orders.

Whatever method you choose, be sure to track and monitor the average order value over time. This information can help you identify trends and make adjustments to your marketing strategy accordingly.

VetrinaLive users see a 30% increase in their average order values. See this case study to learn more.

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8. The bounce rate of your eCommerce Store

The bounce rate is one of the most important eCommerce metrics you can track for your eCommerce store. It refers to the percentage of visitors who leave your site after visiting it once.

There are a few reasons why people might leave your site after visiting it. Maybe they didnā€™t find what they were looking for, or maybe they couldnā€™t find the product they were hoping to buy.

If you can reduce the bounce rate of your site, it will improve your overall traffic and conversion rates. You can do this by ensuring that your website is easy to navigate and that all of the content on it is relevant to your target audience.

You can also try to improve your marketing strategy by targeting potential customers who have a high bounce rate. This will help you to reach more people who are interested in your products and services.

9. The average number of pages visited on your eCommerce Store

The average number of pages visited on your eCommerce Store can help you to understand how well your website is performing and whether there are any areas that you need to improve.

You should also keep an eye on the average time spent on each page of your website. This statistic can help you to determine which sections of your website are most popular and whether you need to make any changes to those sections.

It is also important to monitor the number of unique visitors that visit your website each month. This statistic can help you to understand how well your marketing campaigns are performing and whether you need to make any changes to them.

10. eCommerce Store conversion rate

eCommerce store conversion rate is one of the most important eCommerce metrics for any eCommerce business. It tells you how many visitors you are converting into paying customers.

There are a few different things that can affect your eCommerce store conversion rate. These include your website design, your marketing strategy, and your product selection.

If you want to improve your store conversion rate, you need to get feedback from your customers. You can use customer surveys or exit interviews to learn what makes them buy from your store, and what changes you need to make to improve your business.

You also need to track your store conversion rate on a regular basis so that you can make informed decisions about your business growth. Keep in mind that there is no one magic number that will guarantee success; rather, it takes a combination of effective strategies and hard work.

In this blog post, you can learn tactics to increase your eCommerce store conversion rate.

11. Gross margin of your eCommerce Store

Gross margin is one of the most important eCommerce metrics for your eCommerce store. Gross margin is the difference between the cost of your products and the revenue generated from those products.

Gross margin is important because it tells you how profitable your eCommerce business is. A high gross margin indicates that you are able to produce products at a lower cost than you are spending on them, which makes your business more competitive in the marketplace.

There are a few different factors that can affect your gross margin. These include:

The price of your products,  the amount that you spend on marketing, the amount that you spend on shipping and freight, and the amount that you spend on product development.

It is important to track your gross margin so that you can make adjustments to ensure that your business remains profitable. Gross margin is one of the most important eCommerce metrics for eCommerce businesses, so it is important to track it regularly.

The gross margin is one of the most important eCommerce metrics most entrepreneurs forget to control regularly. In these high inflation days, you need to control it regularly. 

12. Cost per acquisition of your eCommerce Store

There are many different ways to measure the cost per acquisition (CPA) for an eCommerce business. Here are a few of the most popular methods:

Cost per click (CPC): This calculation measures the cost of acquiring a visitor through advertising. CPA is calculated by dividing the total cost of all clicks made by the number of visitors acquired through clicks.

Cost per lead (CPL): This calculation measures the cost of acquiring a visitor through email marketing. CPA is calculated by dividing the total cost of all leads generated by email campaigns by the number of visitors acquired through leads.

Cost per transaction (CTP): This calculation measures the cost of acquiring a visitor through a sale or purchase. CPA is calculated by dividing the total amount charged by the number of transactions completed by visitors acquired through transactions.

Here is a simple method to combine these eCommerce metrics:

Cost per acquisition = (total marketing cost) / (number of acquisitions)

Keep in mind that both marketing cost and the number of acquisitions must be in the same time period. If you track cost per acquisition on a monthly base; use monthly data for marketing costs and the number of acquisitions. 

13. Cart abandonment rate of your eCommerce Store

One of the most important eCommerce metrics for any eCommerce store is the cart abandonment rate. This measures how many visitors choose to abandon their shopping carts before completing their purchase.

There are a few different ways to calculate your cart abandonment rate. One popular method is to subtract the number of total sales from the number of total visits. This gives you a measure of how successful your conversion rates are.

Another way to calculate your cart abandonment rate is to divide the number of lost sales by the number of total visits. This gives you a measure of how likely customers are to buy something from your store.

Whatever method you use, make sure that you track your cart abandonment rate regularly so that you can improve your business performance.

eCommerce store cart abandonment rate

14. Checkout abandonment rate of your eCommerce Store

One of the most important eCommerce metrics you can track for your eCommerce store is the checkout abandonment rate. This number tells you how many visitors abandon their cart before completing the purchase process.

There are a few factors that can influence your checkout abandonment rate, including your pricing strategy, your checkout process, and your product mix.

If you want to reduce your checkout abandonment rate, you need to make sure that all of these factors are optimized for your customers. Here are some tips for improving your checkout process:

Make it easy to find what you’re looking for: Make sure that all of your products are organized in an easy-to-use browse tab. Also, make sure that your product descriptions are concise and accurate.

Make sure that all of your products are organized in an easy-to-use browse tab. Also, make sure that your product descriptions are concise and accurate. Minimize the amount of friction between buyers and sellers: Eliminate any unnecessary steps in the checkout process. For example, remove any required information that isn’t necessary for buyers to complete the purchase process.

Eliminate any unnecessary steps in the checkout process. For example, remove any required information that isn’t necessary for buyers.

15. Customer lifetime value of your eCommerce Store

The customer lifetime value (CLV) is one of the most important eCommerce metrics that shows the total monetary value of a customer over their lifetime. CLV is calculated by dividing the customer’s annual revenue by the yearly churn rate.

There are many factors that can affect CLV, including the quality of the product, the customer’s engagement with your brand, and the customer’s loyalty to your brand.

It is important to understand how your customers interact with your eCommerce store and how you can improve their experience in order to increase CLV.

Some tips for increasing CLV include creating high-quality products, providing excellent customer service, and engaging with your customers on a regular basis. If you can increase CLV across all of your channels, you will be able to grow your business significantly.

16. Customer reviews of your eCommerce Store

Customer reviews are an important part of any eCommerce business. They can help you to improve your product quality, and they can also help you to attract new customers.

There are a few things you need to do in order to get customer reviews for your eCommerce store. First, you need to create a system for collecting customer feedback. This system can be anything from a simple email form to a dedicated website section.

Once you have a system in place, you need to make sure that you collect customer reviews. You can do this by offering customers the opportunity to review your products, by asking them to review your products after they have purchased them, or by offering incentives for customers who leave reviews.

In order to make sure that your customer reviews are accurate and helpful, it is important to set up proper eCommerce metrics. This means measuring the number of reviews that are left, the quality of the reviews, and the percentage of positive reviews. By using these eCommerce metrics, you can ensure that your customer feedback is useful and helpful.

Customer reviews of your eCommerce store

17. Customer service emails, chats, and calls

If you run an eCommerce store, you know that customer service is a critical part of your success. Not only do you need to provide excellent products and services, but you also need to be able to respond quickly to customer inquiries.

Here are some eCommerce metrics that you can use to track your customer service performance:

Customer emails, chats, and calls: This is the most important metric for customer service. If you are unable to respond quickly to customer inquiries, they will likely switch to another retailer or take their business elsewhere. Keep track of the number of emails, chats, and calls that you receive each day and respond as quickly as possible.

Reputation ratings: You also need to keep track of your reputation ratings. This will help you determine whether you are meeting customer expectations. Make sure that your ratings are high enough so that customers feel comfortable buying from your business again in the future.

Satisfaction rates: Another important metric is satisfaction rates. Make sure that your customers are happy with the services that they received. If not, address the issues immediately so that customers have a positive experience with your business in the future.

18. Traffic volume of your eCommerce Store

When youā€™re starting out, it can be difficult to know exactly how much traffic your eCommerce store is getting. There are a lot of different ways to measure traffic, and each one has its own benefits and drawbacks.

Here are some of the most popular methods for measuring eCommerce traffic:

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the most well-known tools for measuring website traffic. It allows you to track the pages that your visitors visit, the time spent on those pages, and the type of device that they are using.

2. Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa measures website traffic by tracking how many unique visitors visit a site each month. This method is useful if you want to compare your websiteā€™s performance against similar websites.

3. Social Media Shares 

Social media shares are a great way to measure how well your content is spreading online. You can track this data through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

4. Search Engine Indexing 

Search engine indexing (SEO) is a technique that helps your website appear higher on search engine results pages (SERP). This can increase your websiteā€™s exposure and lead more visitors to your eCommerce store. These eCommerce metrics are related to the content quality of your eCommerce store and the backlinks you get.

19. Traffic source of your eCommerce Store

All of the other eCommerce metrics start with this one: the traffic source of your eCommerce Store. You can find your eCommerce store’s traffic source on Google Analytics and Google Search Engine.

Also, you can compare the traffic sources with the buyers. You want to use the traffic that brings more buyers.

Too much traffic does not mean sales! Be wise about the source you are using for your eCommerce store. Do not spend money on fake visits. This will not bring any results, and also this will manipulate your eCommerce metrics.

Conclusion about eCommerce Metrics

When it comes to eCommerce, there are different eCommerce metrics that you can use to measure eCommerce store success. This article provided a brief overview of the most common eCommerce metrics and how you can use them to evaluate your eCommerce store.

At the end of the day, you look for profits. To be more profitable, you focus on all of these eCommerce metrics. You find the problems of your eCommerce store and solve these problems.

E-commerce metrics are your best friends in this long journey. Click here to get the free eCommerce metrics tracking sheet for your eCommerce store. Create a copy of it and start tracking your eCommerce store with the right eCommerce metrics.

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